Empower Me Family Fun Day – In support of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
On 29 November 2015 through LP Family Law, Lucy Padula, hosted the “Empower Me Family Fun Day” in support of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre (www.safesteps.org.au). Safe Steps assist women and children in family violence situations. They have a 24 hour phone service and among other things assist with obtaining emergency accommodation and essential items, receiving professional services and as well as assisting with putting together safety plans. They also work to build the voice of women and children to influence research, policy, service provision and the wider community to eliminate violence
The event which took place at the Footscray 5th Scout Hall was an example of what can happen in a very short time when people unite. Lucy originally decided to organise the event in September 2015. In two short months with the support of numerous members of the community and small businesses, we raised awareness about the important services which Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre provide and funds of $2,915.56.
There were children’s activities on the day as well as amazing stall holders, food, coffee, auctions and raffles. A big thank you goes to all who assisted – whether it was with donations of funds, items or services to be auctioned, time, raising awareness, helping organise things – there are too many amazing people to mention! Feel free to go to the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/empowermemelbourne) to see who got involved and pictures of the day!